
COVID-19 - Responsible for Everybody

Category: News
Organizations: Mreža za građanski aktivizam

Dear translators and proofreaders in Kosovo,


COVID - 19 pandemic has brought many changes to our lives. Citizens are required to have a high level of social responsibilities and respect for measures that are supposed to stop the pandemic and reduce the number of casualties.

The availability of information in native languages is the basis for socially responsible behavior at this time and it is the only way to preserve human lives.

With no intention to diminish the efforts of Government of Kosovo when it comes to providing all citizens with access to information in their native languages and bearing in mind the low capacity of the institutions for such a large and, above all, responsible task, in cooperation with the Office of Language Commissioner, we invite all Serbian language translators and proofreaders, but also translators and proofreaders of other non-majority languages in Kosovo to join our volunteer initiative/action ''COVID-19 - responsible for everybody'' and apply their knowledge and skills to benefit Kosovo citizens and help when it comes to translating instructions, protection measures and press releases related to COVID-19 pandemic.

We also invite the institutions themselves, especially the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior, to fully respect the Law on the Use of Languages and thus preserve the lives of their citizens.

In order to get informed about the details of the initiative itself and the coordination arrangements, you can check Network for Civic Activism website, as well as Office of Language Commissioner official pages on social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram.


Stay healthy!

Sanja Vuković

Network for Civic Activism